
Search results

  1. April 2017 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Monica Giusti who has been granted a new patent with shared IP between Ohio State and MARS ...

  2. Educational Collaborative on Sustainable Environmental and Agricultural Management

    offered through E-extension professional training web-site.  Impact:   The high priority courses and ...

  3. The Butler County Sharpshooters 4-H Club is in its 26th year!

    a counter) position on the 50 foot range while our instructors and older members help them. They are doing ...

  4. Explore the Small Farm Dream at Upcoming Conference

    both for a discounted rate of $100 for adults and $50 for students. Registration is available at ...

  5. Lab Meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Steve Culman Asst Professor of Soil Fertility School of Environment & ...

  6. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    including stress, financial risk, the isolating nature of the job, lack of access to health services and ... told him. Though he was not in dire financial shape, not at risk of losing the farm nor going broke, he ...

  7. Beef and Forage Field Night

    of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky. He will identify summer grazing options for areas ...

  8. The Current Webinar 30 Cover Crops for Healthy Soils, Water Quality and Water Availability

    Soils, Water Quality and Water Availability Eileen Kladivko, Professor of Agronomy and Extension ...

  9. Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher

    friends, they’d tell you he’s always tapping. Back in high school, he played lacrosse. He carries his love ... career. His interest in neural prosthetics stems from his junior year of high school, when he saw a video ...

  10. Engineer's Week Kickoff Event

    140 The College of Engineering is hosting a webcast that they need 40-50 engineering students to ...
