
Search results

  1. G. Kaletunc

    Between 6-8 pm.   Jan 12, 25, 26 Feb 8, 9, 22, 23 March 8, 9, 29, 30 April 12, 13 Repeats every month on ...

  2. Dr. Norman Fausey named Fellow of ASABE at the Annual International

    International Meeting in Kansas City.  Dr. Fausey leads the ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit on the OSU, Columbus ...

  3. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ...

  4. Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative Conference

    the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. And between 2025 and 2050, the world’s ... pressures, that’s not high on the list of priorities.” The theme of Ohio State’s Sept. 15 Food Waste ...

  5. B. Barrick

    202 Subject: Can I have Room 202 tomorrow (Friday) from 11:30- 12:30?? Importance: High   Just let ...

  6. Cakes & chemistry: the science of baking

    a recipe — too much baking powder, over-mixing a batter — can make the difference between a moist cupcake ...

  7. G. Kaletunc

    Between 6-8 pm.   Jan 12, 25, 26 Feb 8, 9, 22, 23 March 8, 9, 29, 30 April 12, 13 Repeats every month on ...

  8. High Pressure Processing and Juice

    FST Professor Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam talks about high pressure processing and juice in a recent ...

  9. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension- Fall Series

    stress-levels Fee includes a set of guided mindfulness practice tracks and 1 yoga video to aid in daily practice ...

  10. Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!

    and test their tractors; and- Develop time management and multi-tasking skills as they balance their ...
