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A. Belkofer Interviews
245 Subject: Ag Eng Room 245 on 2/16 Importance: High Hi Jim – Can I reserve Room 245 again ...
Scientist develops innovative vaccine for profit-draining swine virus
without being degraded. "Our tests have shown that two doses of this vaccine, administered ... is being used with food animals. 'Completely safe in tests so far' "Our vaccine has proven to be ... completely safe in tests so far, with no side effects associated with it," Gourapura said. "The use ...
Sarah Schuster
Deerfield, Wisconsin and attended Monona Grove High School. I grew up showing dairy cattle and miniature ...
Mancl to work with China Environment Forum
that affect Ohio on the national and international level. Working with the Woodrow Wilson Center in ...
Kelly Dempsey
I attended school at Maine South High School. The sense of unity, even with major diversity, is just one ...
Master Gardener Volunteers
information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at ... the public with specific answers to their questions regarding botany, soils, fertilizer, IPM, ...
Jessica Callahan
Fisher Catholic High School. I love OSU because of the relationships, opportunities, and memories that it ...
PSA Grower Training Course # OH-180621-GR
in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil ...
PSA Grower Training Course #OH-180327-GR
in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil ...
Mackenzie Campbell
Rank: Junior Major: Animal Sciences Biosciences I attended Riverview High School in Florida and ...