
Search results

  1. Ms. Hiam S. Desouky Passed Her Defense and Received Her Ph.D.

    a joint Ph.D. training program between the OSU South Centers and Benha University in Cairo, passed her ...

  2. Endeavor Center accomplishments

    Endeavor Center and its business partners have:   • Created more than 1300, high-skill, high-wage jobs, ...

  3. Data visualization class designed to increase science communication

    taught during autumn semester, with a split between undergraduates and graduate students. Thirteen ...

  4. Tagged to Teach Ag Day

    other universities and high schools across our country. The Department of Agricultural Communication, ... Education, and Leadership will host high school students who feel they have been 'tagged' to teach ... high school agriculture to visit campus and learn more about our agriscience education program. ...

  5. CFAES team leads collaborative effort to improve agricultural technical institutes in Tanzania

    Livestock, and Fisheries (MAFC) trains frontline extension workers at the Certificate and Diploma levels, who ... then are deployed at the village, ward, and district levels to provide extension delivery to these ...

  6. ACEL alum named director of Ohio State ATI

    University. Her department supported academic programs at the bachelor’s and master’s level in Agricultural ...

  7. Bush completes internship with Cargill

    Gilead High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  8. CFAES Center for Cooperatives: Collaboration Creates Greater Impact

    practical actions to improve their food hubs’ operational efficiency. Collaboration between the Center for ...

  9. Ohio Youth Institute

    participating high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve ...

  10. The Ohio Youth Institute

    high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve key ...
