
Search results

  1. Shoup completes internship with Ohio State ATI

    daughter of Dean and Susan Shoup and a graduate of Orrville High School. The agricultural communication ...

  2. Bramble, Blueberry and Winegrape Field Night

    open field and high tunnel bramble production systems.  This is also a good opportunity to check out ...

  3. BNRC Gathering of Men 2015

    worked to support state-level child advocacy organizations.   In addition to working for the Annie E. ...

  4. Faulkner completes internship with National FFA Organization

    a graduate of Urbana High School. The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to ... acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, ...

  5. Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio

    IPM Strategies- Dr. Lily Calderwood, Dr. Heather Darby, and the Northwest Crops and Soils Team Weed ...

  6. King recognized as CFAES Outstanding Senior

    of the CFAES Ambassador Team, Alpha Sigma Upsilon sorority, Crops and Soils Club, Saddle and Sirloin, ...

  7. Whittington receives national teaching award

    This award recognizes Dr. Whittington for her international level of commitment, excellence, and ...

  8. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 recruits 2018 students for free

    experience to successfully operate an aquaculture or aquaponics farm. We will accept highly motivated new ...

  9. Alum receives national educator award

    Kenton High School in Kenton, Ohio.  The Teachers Turn the Key scholarship brings together agricultural ... agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in ...

  10. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    members, Boy Scouts, middle schools, high schools, and other organizations is proving highly beneficial for ...
