
Search results

  1. Thoughts from the Director

    inspiring. I know that each new week in telework environments brings its own levels of comfort and ... to focus on being highly proactive in planning for the impacts of the budget cuts we are seeing at ... the state and local levels and to adequately prepare for the phased return to offices for ...

  2. Western Agricultural Research Station

    corn. Alfalfa varieties with potato leafhopper resistance are also being tested at Western. Soils and ... No-till helps reduce farming costs, prevent soil erosion, improve soil quality and organic matter, and ... studies on soil carbon sequestration. Bio-energy crops, including switchgrass, are also being evaluated at ...

  3. Ohio State installs, commissions new pilot-scale ultra-shear technology equipment for liquid foods and beverages processing

    technology (UST), this new method of high-pressure-based shear technology will allow beverage companies to ... satisfies liquid food manufacturer interest in developing a continuous high-pressure processing method. ... That’s significant, considering that the batch high-pressure processing industry is now estimated to be ...

  4. Wooster Science Building

    the public zone of the building and is designed to promote interactions between various campus ...

  5. Thoughts from Jackie

    days in July you can unlock your phones less than an average of 50 times. I’ll be checking back in to ...

  6. History

    agriculture professors, W. R. Lazenby and Norton S. Townshend, divided their time between classroom duties and ... accepted as the high bid.   In 1892, the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station moved from the university at ... miles of field tile were laid to prepare land for the Wooster test plots. These plots, hundreds of ...

  7. Celebrating Excellence via A&P and Faculty Promotion

    a professional. The process is designed to ensure continued success when tasked with higher level ...

  8. 2022 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Crow (Master's Level) Holly Huellemeier (PhD Level) FABE Graduate Teaching Award Matthew Herkins ...

  9. PCard Monthly Statements

    re-issue.) Current PCard Policy only references a high-level cursory “monthly review” of statements. New ...

  10. December 2020 Highlights

    individuals who are at high risk for contracting COVID-19. Dr. V. M. Bala Balasubramaniam, Dr. Rafael ... Health (NIH) grant to develop a novel test to independently assess smell and taste function in ...  recently published a Journal of Dairy Science paper that discusses how high pressure, temperature, high ...
