
Search results

  1. CFAES faculty and students receive more than $70,000 for international research

    The Office of International Affairs recently awarded more than $150,000 as part of its 2015-2016 ...

  2. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    daily.  I plant mine in 14-inch clay pots because these geraniums grow large. I use fresh potting soil ... the soil on top is dry to the touch. Stressing them slightly by watering only after the soil has dried ... them in a row, and I only plant ones with red blooms.  These large plants often grow 18 inches high and ...

  3. OSU opens ambience-setting flavor-testing lab

    :// ...

  4. Jared Morrison

    we don’t risk losing it? Once we have the final times, I can update you if you would like. Jared ...

  5. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    up-to-date information for all levels of employees on handling of food, from receiving and storing to ...

  6. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    up-to-date information for all levels of employees on handling of food, from receiving and storing to ...

  7. Leadership Delegation from Zamorano University, Honduras, visits CFAES

    Understanding, originally signed in 2014, is set to be renewed between Ohio State and Zamorano this month to ...

  8. June 2019 Highlights

                International Society of Food Engineering Webinar    “Application of high pressure-based technologies in food ...

  9. Community Development

    offer county-level services, you can learn more about all OSU Extension community development programs ...

  10. March 2019 Highlights

    event and the cost of the ticket is $50.00. If you have already registered and just want to purchase ...
