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  1. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    they contain high enough acid levels to prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores and the ... production of botulism toxin. Additionally, when properly canned fruits are heated long enough at high enough ... Check Table 2 for the correct amount of headspace to leave between the top of the fruit and the jar lid. ...

  2. Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts

    50 ppm, increased levels of keratoconjunctivitis and tracheitis have been observed. These trachea and ... causes high ammonia levels inside animal production buildings, especially in winter months when the ... concentrations. People begin to detect odors at 5–50 ppm. Irritation to mucous surfaces occurs at 100–500 ppm ...

  3. Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game

    over-tightening, and process according to Table 1. Ground or Chopped Meat Choose fresh, high-quality, chilled meat. ... high-quality pork fat to 3 or 4 parts venison before grinding. Shape the chopped meat into patties or balls or ...

  4. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  5. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Handbook

    century, climate and weather, geology, water resources, birds, plants and soils, forests, insects, ...

  6. Spring Lawn Care

    Why should I test my soil  –  and for what?  Soil tests provide more helpful information on soils than ... landscapes, and to maximize productivity of vegetable gardens and fruit crops. Soil test results pinpoint ... plant nutrient needs and soil test lab recommendations guide fertilizer applications so just the right ...

  7. Food Preservation: Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Game

    removes the visible soil, sanitizing reduces the unseen microorganisms that might be present on cutting ... ensure safety. Poultry High-quality, fresh poultry is best for freezing. Young, tender birds are best for ... into desired pieces. Place a double layer of freezer wrap or waxed paper between each piece. Package ...

  8. Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values

    Bray P. When only soil test values in the agronomic range were considered (less than 50 ppm Bray P), ... relationships between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate soil test extractants in the Tri-State Region. ... 3–1170 ppm, and Mehlich-3 K values ranged from 25–899 ppm. We examined relationships with all soil test ...

  9. Food Preservation: Preserving Food With Less Sugar

    affect blood glucose levels more than any other nutrient, this fact sheet offers lower carbohydrate ...

  10. Forage Testing for Beef Cattle

    0.12% Mg. High soil potassium levels are associated with increased incidence of grass tetany. The ratio ... (ppm). If the forage contains a high level of molybdenum (2 ppm) or sulfur at 0.25%, Cu could be ... samples are low in Zn. The recommended levels for zinc are between 30 and 1,000 parts per million (ppm ...
