
Search results

  1. Carri Gerber, Ph.D.

    and Careers New Homepage testing Plants Stories Virtural Field Trips and Courses ...

  2. Horse Specialization

    The program in Wooster enables students to complete approximately 50 percent of the requirements for ...

  3. Considerations for Managing Higher Fertilizer Prices on Your Dairy

    is highly unlikely. The critical phosphorus soil test level for corn and soybean is 20 ppm and 30 ppm ... soil test value is above the critical level, added fertilizer is not expected to increase the yield of ... the upcoming crop. When soil test values are above the critical level, the chance of a yield response ...

  4. Feeding Roasted Soybeans to Dairy Cattle

    increasing levels of roasted high oleic soybean on milk fat yield in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 103 ... roasting home-grown soybeans has recently increased again with the availability of high-oleic soybeans ... but if they are mixed with the soybean meal, the protein level in the soybean meal is typically 44%. ...

  5. Admission Requirements

    a standardized test should meet the following criteria: Unweighted high school academic GPA of 3.0 or higher (on ... you might be admitted without restrictions yet not be able to test into college-level English or math ... during placement testing. Remedial level courses are not covered by CCP funding.) Placement testing is ...

  6. Gary Gao, Ph.D.

    Centers. He conducts research trials on high value fruit crops. He also designs and delivers Extension ...

  7. EPN Breakfast Event- Our Minds Matter: Enhancing climate resilience skills and well-being for environmental students and professionals

    context of disasters and disaster risk reduction to develop knowledge and inform policies centering ... to reduce the risk of stress-related chronic illness for both adults and children. Trained in ... both local & national levels. She has engaged influential people to take action, lobbied US ...

  8. College Credit Plus Information Night at Ohio State ATI in Wooster

    Tuesday, March 18, 2025      6:00 P.M. High school students and parents: learn how to earn both ... high school and college credits simultaneously, at no cost, while attending the Ohio State ATI campus ... the amount of time to complete a degree Have the opportunity to enroll in classes not available at your high ...

  9. Football season digital downloads

    day spirit, as well as highlighting the 50th anniversary of Archie Griffin’s first Heisman Trophy win! ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing ... cows milking 70 and 85 lb/day is about $13.50 and $13.97/cwt, respectively. Both estimates are higher ...
