
Search results

  1. $250,000 grant received to explore new strawberry production techniques

    production acreage are decreasing in many areas of Midwest United States.  High production risk is the main ... weather and temperature extremes.  Preliminary research on soil-based high tunnel and low tunnel ... reduce this risk and increase profit and market potential.    Many Ohio farms have doubled their harvest ...

  2. Managing Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds

    (SENR), will discuss the Phosphorus Risk Index, a field-based planning tool that integrates soil ... as farmers. In this webinar you will learn how the risk of phosphorus moving into water is assesed in ... properties, hydrology and agricultural management practices to assess the risk of phosphorus movement from ...

  3. Strawberries

    system, but new cultivar testing  (including day-neutral and everbearing cultivars), new season extension ... and overall plant growth. (2) Testing of new strawberry cultivars, including day-neutral and ... Testing of day-neutral and everbearing summer and fall fruiting season extension growing techniques will ...

  4. Duty Area F:

    CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area F: Prepare Soil/Growing Medium for Planting   Prepare ... samples for testing (e.g., soil, water) Develop fertility program (e.g., soil, water) Acquire fertility ... soil (e.g., plow, disc, rototill) Fill trays and pots Prepare plants beds ...

  5. Kazak scholar visiting South Centers

    test kit, carbon sequestration modeling, and soil health computations using different approaches. It is ... Processes and Industrial Ecology, Satpayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, has joined the Soil, Water and ... remediation, environment and soil quality, soil analysis, and soil and environment monitoring.  During his stay ...

  6. Dr. Islam presents information for a field day in Ukraine

    Recently Dr. Islam, Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program Director, gave a talk via Zoom at ... Technology, and Engineering College to learn more about the field day: More than 50 participants from ... area on an area of 50 hectares after winter barley this year grow buckwheat and wait for a pretty good ...

  7. Nutrition & Feed

    advances in feed and food production. Aquaculture is one tool that provides a high-quality, inexpensive, ...

  8. Don't Hurry Into Hemp

    a correlation between the moisture content and the CDB and THC levels. “As the moisture goes down, the ... percent, making them unsellable. The same relationship between moisture and CBD/THC levels also held true ... a new industry in the state. However, factors such as the high cost of planting and harvesting the crop, ...

  9. South Centers welcomes Piketon vo-ag students

    By Bradford Sherman South Centers/CFAES Piketon High School vocational agricultural students paid ... production, tabletop-grown and high tunnel strawberries, hops, and more. Easily the most popular attraction ...

  10. Highlights of the Fruit Extension Program and Research Projects

    23 was the most popular event in terms of live viewership, but all three events averaged around 40-50 ... two-hour duration. For example, blueberries peaked at 50 viewers at one time and still had 43 people ... watching by the time the stream closed. Blackberries had a high of 40 viewers at one time, of which 21 ...
