
Search results

  1. MGV Kim Thomas Receives State Award

    winner Kim Thomas was the liaison between the Hardin County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the ... There are about 150 people entering this facility each day who have the potential to stop and read the ... soil. He then purchased grass seed and planted it along the dry creek bed. In addition, he also helped ...

  2. CC Allison Award

    the C.C. Allison Award in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of ... president of Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association in 2015.  On a national level, Walsh serves on ... Bonello.  His research encompasses physiological and biochemical relationships between pathogen-induced ...

  3. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    telemetry, GPS, and remote camera traps. He combines this high-tech work with traditional methods, collecting ...

  4. Melanie L. Lewis Ivey

    commercial apple orchards in Ohio.  MRA 10:50. Roman-Reyna, V., Dupas, ... 2017.  Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated ...

  5. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    in-person guests. Livestreaming service concludes for virtual attendees. 9:50 a.m. Identifying and expanding ... system innovations created and advanced by BIPOC farmers on small and urban farms. Improving the level of ...

  6. Agriculture and Natural Resources

    population test plot, seed treatment insecticide research, rainfall research,  Western Bean Cutworm trapping, ... agricultural groups in the county such as the Soil and Water Conservation District, Farm Bureau, Cattle ...

  7. An Evening Garden Affair

    developed for growing plants in a soilless medium to create high yield vegetable gardens under precisely ...

  8. Master Gardener Volunteer Training Offered

    along with some local experts. Some topics include botany, soils, entomology, plant pathology, plant ... training is $150.00 and includes the training manual and materials for the class. There is also ... a requirement for a background check at the volunteer’s expense. The program requires 50 hours of classroom ...

  9. Plastics, we got your number! New circular economy approaches unveiling potential to make a difference

    Program Overview What on Earth can we do in central Ohio with our plastics?! Macro-level analyses ... University Josh develops partnerships between Ohio State and major stakeholders, including businesses, ... State Energy Partners Award of $50,000 for administration and planning’s food scrap compost expansion. ...

  10. Maternity Product Giveaway (new product, free to the public!)

    client- BLANQI- is a leader in high quality maternity and post-partum wear. We have amassed a large ... it or sending to landfill. BLANQI produces high-quality apparel including nursing bras, belly bands ...
