
Search results

  1. Jennifer R. Wilson

    Heck. 2021. “Affinity purification-mass spectrometry identifies a novel interaction between ...

  2. Gary Gao, Ph.D.

    Centers. He conducts research trials on high value fruit crops. He also designs and delivers Extension ...

  3. General Ed & Intro Courses

    nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked between Columbus and Wooster.  Prerequ: Intro or general ...

  4. Nutrition & Feed

    advances in feed and food production. Aquaculture is one tool that provides a high-quality, inexpensive, ...

  5. Summer Internships in Plant Pathology

    Start and end dates may vary and are established between the student and supervisor, depending on school ...

  6. Blackberries

    content.  They grow best at a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.  Growers should do a soil test and amend the soils to ... the right level according to soil test report before planting.  Tunnel Selection:  Peak style, four ... information.  Economic Considerations:  High tunnels cost about $1.30 to 1.50 per square foot according to an ...

  7. OSU Fact Sheets

    Individual Fact Sheets: Soil Quality Field Test Kit Soil Carbon Sequestration Fundamentals Pike County Water ... County Water Resources Clinton County Water Resources Agricultural Best Management Practices Soil Testing ... for Floriculture Crops The Biology of Soil Compaction Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till ...

  8. Erik Ohlson

    streams and base-level controls from historic dams in the unglaciated mid-Atlantic region, USA. Philos ... E.W. 2022. High Plains wheat mosaic virus: An emerging trade issue for corn seed. ASTA’s CSS and Seed ... Kenya. Ohlson, E.W. 2017. QTL mapping using high density SNP markers in cowpea. West African Cowpea ...

  9. USDA grant to help explore soil health and disease management of high tunnels

    research and they are volunteering the use of their high tunnels to collect soil and plant samples ... 500 high tunnels being used by area farmers within a 50-mile radius of the OSU South Centers, the ... soil health and reduce or alleviate the soil disease pressures causing crop and financial losses to ...

  10. General Plant Pathology Lab

    test, fill out soil sample forms) Microscopes and Their Use in Diseases Diagnostics: Use hand lenses and ... stem rust of wheat and Cedar-apple rust Nematodes Extraction and observation of soil-borne plant ...
