
Search results

  1. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    America migrate twice annually between breeding and non-breeding grounds. These migrations are a time of ... relatively high mortality for many birds species that are also experiencing long-term populations declines. ... attraction of migrating birds to ALAN causes migrating birds to stopover in high densities along the fringes ...

  2. Sours receives Drake Institute grant for global sustainability instruction

    academic programs, elevating them to the institutional level, and improve learning experiences for our ...

  3. Corn Yield Forecasts for Ohio as of August 27, 2024

    distribution (associated with respective adverse and favorable weather scenarios during the rest of the ...

  4. Regional Crop Updates: July 16-22

    highly variable, with some areas receiving near normal levels and others remaining very dry. Lack of soil ... ranging from VT (tassel) to R2 (blister) with low levels of tar spot reported. Soybean is in fair ... McMichael of OSU Extension Mercer County reported that most counties in the region have adequate soil ...

  5. Hallie Stelzle

    (SENS) Lab on a project studying community wildfire risk mitigation in Colorado. Following graduation, ...

  6. New Video Series Launches from OSU Extension

    are known to promote better soil health, nutrient management, and water quality on farms across the ...

  7. Ohio farmers seek energy efficiency amid rising costs

    track the highest rate of electricity consumption during the billing period, can account for roughly 50 ... high-efficiency ventilation fan motors and employ optimal controller strategies based on modulation of fans in ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 16 – Corn Diseases and Ear Rots

    and contaminated with high levels of DON. In recent years, grain loads have been turned away at the ... elevator for high DON levels, which has become a widespread concern. For more details on these ear rots, ... to validate the model being used to predict the risk level of contamination and use as a tool to make ...

  9. Debbie Surprises but Drought Intensifies Across the Southeast

    average through Thursday, with highs in the 70s and overnight lows in the 40s and 50s. A warming trend ... begins this weekend, with highs pushing back into the 80s and 90s. Rainfall is forecast to be at a minmum ... (Figure 3). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of 81-85°F, a low-temperature range of ...

  10. Regional Crop Updates: August 6-12, 2024

    are in good condition with adequate soil moisture levels. Soybean growth stage ranges from R2 (full ... bloom) to R6 (full seed), and corn is anywhere between R2 (blister) and R4 (dough). Disease pressure is ...
