
Search results

  1. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    index (THI) is a chart that was created to factor in the temperature and humidity to create thresholds ... 'alert' zone of 75 on the THI chart. A thermal heat index of 84 is the 'emergency' zone where ... extreme caution needs to be taken for our livestock. The emergency level can be reached at a temperature ...

  2. Student Organizations

    communication between graduate students and departmental faculty and staff. To bring together students from ... processing (high-pressure based food processing) technologies. I am the delegate representing FABE at the ...

  3. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    count on each other to be there when needed, which has stood the test of time. When we help our children ...

  4. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    on the complex relationship between soil health, ground cover, stormwater runoff and groundwater ... Lorson, Soil and Water Conservation District program manager, will lead a program on Ohio’s wild mammals ... and learn about your wild Ohio neighbors! (Suitable for all ages.)             3 p.m. The Triway High ...

  5. Commercial Soil Testing

    When to Collect Soil Samples We recommend conducting a commercial soil test for any new field or ... site and every 3-4 years for existing sites. A standard soil test will provide information on your soil ... sample any time the ground is not frozen. For those who use lime, gypsum, or manure, soil testing at or ...

  6. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    such as Vitamin D, overexposure can lead to health risks to the skin and eyes, such as sunburn, skin ... and where the sun’s rays are the strongest. This means that UV levels will be highest around noon on ... a clear sunny day, even more so during the summer months. UV levels will also be highest near surfaces ...

  7. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    such as Vitamin D, overexposure can lead to health risks to the skin and eyes, such as sunburn, skin ... and where the sun’s rays are the strongest. This means that UV levels will be highest around noon on ... a clear sunny day, even more so during the summer months. UV levels will also be highest near surfaces ...

  8. Club Advisor Resources

    Volunteer Recognition at State Level Fairfield County Advisory Committee Application (due Dec. 1st) ...

  9. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    creating bridges between engineering, biology and agriculture, to revolutionize alternative natural rubber ... imports.” Disease and high demand threaten the tropical rubber tree  Hevea brasiliensis, the world’s primary ... natural rubber source. In 2019, 10% of the natural rubber supply was lost to disease – and the risk for ...

  10. Sours receives Drake Institute grant for global sustainability instruction

    academic programs, elevating them to the institutional level, and improve learning experiences for our ...
