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Why Do Cows Bunch?
standing, splashes manure on the udder, and elevates stress hormones. These changes increase risk of ... is 150 cows or less. Automated milking dairy farms with all cows in same pen will observe more social ... outside airflow can create a micro-environment in pens that initiate cow bunching. High stocking density ...
Global Capstone selected as Program of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship
To support and promote high-impact engaged scholarship, the Office of Outreach and Engagement at ... excellence in community-engaged scholarship and meet the criteria of high-impact engaged scholarship. This ... thrive in the globalized world by establishing an interdisciplinary focus and providing high ...
Establishing Alfalfa
(P) levels should be between 25 and 50 parts per million (ppm). The Mehlich III soil test P levels ... should be between 40 and 79 ppm. The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ... ppm, the cation exchange capacity, and yield goal. If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value ...
Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food
the top 50 science discoveries of 1990 by Discover magazine in their January 1991 issue) and the ... country to request proclamations from all 50 governors to make April 2023 Native Plant Month in every ...
Ally Lewis blends science and art through NASA Psyche Inspired internship program
The NASA Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars ...
Non-Native Invasive Pests
samples tested, please visit the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. The C. Wayne Ellett ...
Faculty, staff, and students honored at the 2024 CFAES Research Forum
Bernstein Analyzing How the Agriculture Microbiome Impacts Soil Carbon Stability under Different Management ... low-level ammonia concentrations at downwind locations of poultry layer production facilities Third Place- ...
Feeding Management Checkpoints for High Corn Silage Diets (DIB # 46-24; August 2024) Consider ... Dairy Revenue Protection: A Risk Management Tool (#45-20) Financial Resources for Managing COVID-19 ... Cash is Short: The High Cost of Employee Turnover (DIB # 18-15; December 2015) Non-Cash Compensation ...
Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage
a common form of winter damage seen in the field. This is a more common problem in heavier clay soils and ... poorly draining soils. Warmer temperatures occurring sporadically in February and March, followed by ... enough level that plants may not survive into May. Plants that experience heaving and survive are more ...
MAE Job Market Panel 2024
perspective of the job seeker. This tradition has been instrumental in bridging the gap between academia and ... Chase (represented by the Vice President of Portfolio Risk Modeling) Huntington National Bank ... (Senior-Vice President, Quantitative Risk Modeling and Analytics Managing Director) Department of Medicaid ...