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  1. Master Gardener Volunteer Forms

    Background Check FAQ's Activities and Programs with Minors, Policy 1.50 Activities and Programs with ... Minors, Policy 1.50 Signature Page ...

  2. ACEL Student attends BOLD Leadership Conference

    encourages the development of personal leadership skills at an individual level. "I traveled to the GKB ...

  3. ACEL Agriscience Education Students Present Workshop at Ohio FFA Convention

    Agriscience Education," focused on the agricultural education profession and why high school students ...

  4. Graduate program ranks eighth for second-straight year

    exceptional work of our talented graduate students and the high caliber of our graduate programs,” said ...

  5. Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello

    10.3389/ffgc.2024.1356533 Zhao Y, Liu D, Bonello P. (2023). Mapping the risk of beech leaf disease in Northern Ohio. Plant ... is not associated with resistance to mountain pine beetle among high elevation pines.  PLoS One ... degree of historical exposure between species and are allocated independently of chemical defenses within ...

  6. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

    between 1.0 and 10.0 ppm.  This method uses manganese greensand to remove low to moderate levels of ... .  Some people can become used to both the odor and taste of hydrogen sulfide in water as high as 6 ppm ... concentration level of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) recommended by the Ohio Department of Health.  Drinking water ...

  7. Fluoride

    to promote dental health. HEALTH EFFECTS If levels are below 0.7 ppm please consult your dentist or ... 4.00 mg/L mg/L ppm Inorganic trace constituent MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Fluoride ... optimum level of fluoride in drinking water has been a range of 0.7-1.2 ppm and in Ohio the recommended ...

  8. Fannin Recognized as CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee

    Extension by providing high quality service through paid work experiences. Fannin was recognized for her ...

  9. Capstone students contribute to space research

    guided the project members to reduce biofilm growth by testing a variety of materials with antimicrobial ... Pathology to revise their testing methods, leading to the design and 3D printing of an apparatus to test how ... oxygen sensors need to be developed and tested thoroughly to ensure that astronauts are eating healthy, ...

  10. Jonathan M. Jacobs

    anaerobic soil disinfestation carbon sources for managing a soilborne disease complex in high tunnel ... 10.1186/s12284-021-00523-7. Khadka, R. B., Cardina, J. and Miller, S. A. 2021. Perspectives on anaerobic soil disinfestation ... On-farm evaluations of anaerobic soil disinfestation and grafting for management of a widespread soilborne ...
