
Search results

  1. Corn Silage and Foliar Disease

    contamination of corn silage and high moisture corn with many nutritionists encouraging levels below 1 ppm in ... with DON levels as high as 17.9 ppm in one hybrid and 30.3 ppm in the other hybrid. Again, fungicide ... by at least 50%. The trial was then expanded the second year, which was a high disease pressure year ...

  2. May 2024 Highlights

    a student(s) with a high caliber of leadership experience in addition to significant research experience and ... instruction, recitation, or discussion sections, or assisting faculty members with high-enrollment courses. ...

  3. Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences Spring Regional Meeting

    Testing (6:50 AM) Tour 3 – Northeast Ohio: POET Bioprocessing, Wellington Implement, Pearl Valley Cheese ... The Ohio State University's Agronomy Crops & Soils Club is thrilled to announce ... (7:50 AM) Tour 2 – Midwest Ohio: The Ohio Greenhouse Company, Cargill Soybean Processing, Buckeye Ag ...

  4. 2024 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    excellence and to enhance their careers. On a personal level, Dave has always been a humble and caring ...

  5. Current 2024 US Dairy Outlook

    amount of milk, a $9.50 margin in tier one will still be a good risk management strategy. There are a lot ... milk fat provide a great value, adding about $1.50/cwt to the statistically uniform price for farmers ... record low milk-to-feed margins and record high dairy margin coverage (DMC) payments. The milk to feed ...

  6. US Dairy Herds and Policy and the 2022 Census of Agriculture

    dairy herds over the last 50 years, the decline between the 2017 and 2022 Census of Agriculture was ... had 50-99 cows.  Another 11,942 farms had milk cows on December 31, 2022 but had not sold any milk ... farms.  Herds of 20-49 cows declined the most on a percentage basis, followed by herds of 50-99, 10-19, ...

  7. Capstone students contribute to space research

    guided the project members to reduce biofilm growth by testing a variety of materials with antimicrobial ... Pathology to revise their testing methods, leading to the design and 3D printing of an apparatus to test how ... oxygen sensors need to be developed and tested thoroughly to ensure that astronauts are eating healthy, ...

  8. Establishing Alfalfa

    (P) levels should be between 25 and 50 parts per million (ppm).  The Mehlich III soil test P levels ... should be between 40 and 79 ppm.  The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ... ppm, the cation exchange capacity, and yield goal.  If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value ...

  9. Safeguarding Your Herd: How Biosecurity Keeps Salmonella Dublin at Bay

    a bacterial pathogen that presents a significant risk to both the dairy industry and human health. While there ... have the same biosecurity requirements. The level of biosecurity varies based on factors like herd ... are part of standard biosecurity procedures to reduce the risk of exposure to Salmonella and other ...

  10. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    standing, splashes manure on the udder, and elevates stress hormones. These changes increase risk of ... is 150 cows or less. Automated milking dairy farms with all cows in same pen will observe more social ... outside airflow can create a micro-environment in pens that initiate cow bunching. High stocking density ...
