
Search results

  1. G. Kaletunc

    219   Jim: Please reserve Room 219 and 245 for me on the dates below between 6-8 pm.    Thanks. ...

  2. M. shynkaryk

    219   Hello Jim, I would like to make a reservation of Room 219 on Friday Nov 20 between 1:30 and ...

  3. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Coyotes

    program. Dr. Gehrt will share details about coyotes, community- level strategies for urban ...

  4. Brenda Metro- Food Engineering Student

    fully implemented a new sensory test, which required me to prepare numerous training documents, write ... Nestle management on many levels and with our operators. By the end of my internship, I couldn’t go ...

  5. FABE Seminar

    on April 5 between 1:30 PM and 3 PM. I also would like to have the same room reserved from 10 AM till ...

  6. OSU team creates high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions

    high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions. NASA high-tech salad bar ...

  7. Graduate Student Organization

    Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...

  8. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    between 1862 and 1890 land grant institutions have been forged in North Carolina, with collaboration ... at which new collaborations between faculty and students at The Ohio State and Central State ...

  9. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    between 1862 and 1890 land grant institutions have been forged in North Carolina, with collaboration ... at which new collaborations between faculty and students at The Ohio State and Central State ...

  10. Borlaug's Army at Ohio State

    Michel.  Her project centered on the remediation of aminopyralid herbicide in compost.  She tested various ... a fungus that causes charcoal rot on soybeans.  Brin has been plating soil and soybean roots to quantify ...
