
Search results

  1. Local Flavor 2016- Hope for Newport Community Garden

    practices, helpful tips, soils, organics and more. Bring a lawn chair for seating and a notepad. Don’t forget ...

  2. Local Flavor 2016- Pointview Children and Families Garden

    practices, helpful tips, soils, organics and more. Bring a lawn chair for seating and a notepad. Don’t forget ...

  3. Research Group Meeting

    219 Greetings Jim   Can you please reserve room 219 on 1st Feb 2016 between 11:30 to 12:30 For Dr ...

  4. Recruitment Visit

    202 I found that 202 is open tomorrow between 1:15 and 2 when I need it and I will need it again ...

  5. Recruitment Visit

    202 I found that 202 is open tomorrow between 1:15 and 2 when I need it and I will need it again ...

  6. Southwestern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    the program is $50 and will include a continental breakfast, buffet lunch and a USB memory stick ...

  7. 2016 Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair

    levels with employers seeking to recruit them for career employment and internships.  Professional ...

  8. 2016 Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair

    levels with employers seeking to recruit them for career employment and internships.  Professional ...

  9. Engineer's Week Kickoff Event

    140 The College of Engineering is hosting a webcast that they need 40-50 engineering students to ...

  10. G. Kaletunc

    219   Jim: Please reserve Room 219 and 245 for me on the dates below between 6-8 pm.    Thanks. ...
