
Search results

  1. Advanced CIP

    This two-day short-course will bring together highly recognized CIP experts including plant ... must be received before October 26 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No ... regardless of their vaccination status. Pre-packaged box lunches will be provided. Individuals who test ...

  2. Better Process Control School (BPCS)-FDA Certified. Curso requerido por la FDA para fabricantes de alimentos enlatados o en otros envases (Virtual en línea y en Español)

    recibir un reembolso parcial. Hay una tarifa de cancelación de $ 50. No se otorgarán reembolsos por ...

  3. Essential and Time-Critical Extension Activities: Return-to-Office Update

    as it relates to preparation for junior fairs, canner testing, soil testing and diagnostics, and some ... COVID-19 related symptoms.  I have not been exposed to, nor live with someone who has tested positive with ...

  4. NELNET- Online Payment (Credit Card) Processor

    include soil test kits, program books, registrations and 4-H Camp payments to name a few. We should not ...

  5. Fulton County – Spring 2020 Successes

    2020. Led a group of NW Ohio farmers (CFAES alumni) interested in soil health to collaborate ... with CFAES and Extension personnel (Fulton, Hawkins, Culman, Hartshuh, Ruff) to develop an initial set of soil ... health indicators that can be used simply and practically as a starting point to evaluate soil health. We ...

  6. Thoughts from Jackie

    currently have 43 visits scheduled between now and February (see attached list) and expect to make ... required for success in promotion (differing by educator and faculty levels); and we want to applaud their ...

  7. Emily Masters

    county, state, and national levels.  Emily graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in ...

  8. Ohio Fact Sheet Receives Award from American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

    that enhanced the content he provided to create this fact sheet to the high quality capable of ...

  9. Ohio is Launching Free, Online Triple P Positive Parent Education

    Through a partnership between the Governor’s Office of Children’s Initiatives, Ohio Department of ...

  10. Ohio Chapter of NAE4-HYDP Announces State Winners for Specialty and Communicator Awards

    additional team members. Winners have been forwarded to the regional level. Excellence in Urban 4-H ...
