
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    From teaching techniques to help growers improve water and soil quality to helping farmers and ... Review. "How do we protect the soil, how do we improve water quality are just some of the issues ...

  2. OARDC’s Steve Slack inducted into NIFA Hall of Fame

    local, regional, national or international levels and will have demonstrated a measurable and positive ...

  3. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    Baldwin Road Junior High School, took the Eco-Bot Challenge. Then they met with Ohio State engineering ... McClaskey, Ohio 4-H Youth Development program coordinator, pilot-tested the experiment at 4-H camps and other ...

  4. Academic Warning

    You may be placed on academic warning when you have initially accumulated between.1 and 14.9 ...

  5. Cultural Competence in the 21st Century

    institutional level and how it influences relationships within and across cultures. ...

  6. Martin to lead Field to Faucet water program, has ‘ability to bring people together’

    farming McPheron and CFAES put $1 million toward Field to Faucet after dangerous microcystin levels in ...

  7. CFAES Hosts 4th Annual Back 2 School Bash

    a host of events, including a kickball tournament, won by the Crops and Soils and the Agricultural ... Sirloin and Buckeye Dairy Clubs, was a big hit. Right: Crops and Soils and Agricultural Systems Managment ...

  8. Mini Grants

    efforts between teams, individuals, and or student groups who have new projects or ideas that enhance ...

  9. CFAES team strives to improve Tanzania ag technical institutes

    frontline extension workers at the Certificate and Diploma levels, who then are deployed at the village, ... ward and district levels to provide extension delivery to these rural populations, especially ...

  10. New greenhouses give OARDC, Ohio a competitive edge

    leveled by a September 2010 tornado that destroyed or damaged many other buildings on the campus. The new ...
