
Search results

  1. Introductory HACCP (online)

    equipment Mac (OS X) or PC (Windows 7+) with high-speed internet connection Speakers or a headphone jack in ... must be received by April 6 to receive a partial refund. There is a $150 cancellation fee if the book ... has been shipped. There is a $50 cancellation fee if the book has not been shipped. No refunds will be ...

  2. Ann D. Christy

    I have won multiple teaching awards at the college, university, and national levels including the USDA ...

  3. President’s Research Excellence Catalyst Grants in FABE

    interdisciplinary teams to pursue large-scale, high-impact research that addresses emerging or existing national and ...

  4. Introductory Food Science and Technology Certificate Program

    $150 Introduction to Food Safety 1.25 / 12.5 $150 Total 5.0 / 50.0* $550 *The difference in CEUs ... This online, on-demand, introductory level certificate program provides an overview of food ... Fee Food Science Essentials  (accelerated) 4 / 40.0* $450 Option 2 (3 Courses + Prerequisite, 50 CE ...

  5. Water Holding Capacity

    consuming to purchase, apply, and dispose of. Mulches with a high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio may tie up soil ... THIS PAGE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Water holding capacity is the amount of water a soil can hold for ... be a problem, leading to standing water, erosion, and nutrient loss. A soil with a low water holding ...

  6. Advanced Food Process Design

    of foods with quantification of the physical changes occurring between the time of raw material ...

  7. Youth-led Presentation on Muslim Americans to be Held on April 4 (rescheduled to April 6)

    religion, and other identity-based topics. Following her introduction, a local high school student, ...

  8. Meet Jaden Tatum: Engineering a Path to a More Sustainable Future

    because there are huge gaps in yields, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a large proportion of ... attended the University of Arkansas upon graduating from high school. As an undergraduate student, Jaden ... designing and testing a grain drying and storage system for use in developing countries,” Jaden explained. ...

  9. NACAA Communications/Creative Works Awards are due by March 15

    award contest. To qualify, submissions must have been produced/used between March 15, 2022 and March 15, ...

  10. Foundation for Food and Agriculture (FFAR) Releases Research Funding Announcement

    the farm level. FFAR plans to award up to $6 million in grants through this program. The full RFA can ...
