
Search results

  1. New Grant From Google Supports 4-H Computer Science Education Efforts

    programing is offered in 50 counties across the state through OSU Extension’s Mobile Design Lab, a 35- foot ...

  2. Take a Virtual Tour of the new CEARC

    learn about the high-tech control system, and hear from some of the people advancing sustainable and ...

  3. 2022 Extension Annual Conference Information Update

    registration = $225 One-day registration = $175 Students = $150 Biometric Screenings On Dec. 6, the OSU Health ...

  4. Dr. Yael Vodovotz

    a postdoctoral position at NASA as part of a joint effort between University of Houston and NASA-Johnson Space ...

  5. Flu Shots are Especially Important this Year

    a campus or are at home. By acting now, you can reduce your risk from the flu and help avoid overburdening ... need for coronavirus testing, putting stress on COVID-19 testing capacity. Click  here  for information ...

  6. February Virtual Book Club, Braiding Sweetgrass

    explores the connection between all living things and our human efforts to cultivate a more sustainable ...

  7. Thoughts from Jackie

    excellence (see some of the award winners recognized below). Some quick examples of our high ... were recognized for the level of their Extension work and their leadership. Kudos to our national ... 50% of the 10 accepted posters and various presentations. Brian Raison was recognized with the NACDEP ...

  8. Accounting Adjustment or Journal Transfer Request?

    Internal charge (from a Journal entry) or splitting the expense between multiple Worktags... and for ...

  9. June 2020 Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing

    PRESSURE CANNERS that have a DIAL GAUGE. This pressure gauge testing is NOT for: Water bath canners (high ... canners is absolutely unsafe because 212 degrees F is not high enough to destroy botulinum bacteria. ... (Note: Water bath canners are safe to use for high acidic, researched recipes. Some examples where the ...

  10. Quarterly IT Billing INFO

    be listed as an “Instrumentation Computer” or “High Performance Workstation”: (likely rare for ...
