
Search results

  1. Blazin' Saddles- This is not just a 4-H Club…This is a 4-H family!

    been awarded on the State and County level for their work and dedication to the 4-H program as well. In ...

  2. DLS Helps to DIY

    a chore, for their birthday, or another reason, teach them to split their money between each jar.  You can ... between a “want” and a “need” when it is explained to them.  Also, children will learn the value of their ...

  3. New Online Certificate Program

    level certificate program provides an overview of food components and nutrition, food manufacturing, and ...

  4. Introductory HACCP

    Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received before August 16 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ...

  5. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    flowers in many colors from whites to deep purple and many shades in between.  They are perfect for the ... breeding between species has produced a whole palette of new colors and, double and even triple flowers.  ... are native to alkaline meadows in the mountains of Eastern Europe, but adapt well to more acid soil ...

  6. Ohio SWCS

    The All-Ohio Chapter is part of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS), which is ... the national Soil and Water Conservation Society page.  ...

  7. Additional Resources

    agriculture technologies like soil and crop health sensors, yield monitors, GNSS, GIS and mapping, variable ... measurement of soil and plant variables, management of agricultural data, and Variable Rate Technology (VRT).  ... National Map Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) Web Soil Survey USDA – Geospatial Data Gateway ...

  8. Introductory Food Science and Technology Certificate Program

    technology. The course allows and encourages collaboration between participants and provides an outstanding ... please contact Heather Dean at or 614-292-7004. Cancellation Policy There is a $50 ...

  9. Caring For Your Christmas Cactus

    inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch.  The length of time between watering will vary with the air ... the soil gets too dry.  The plants will wilt when under drought stress.  Water thoroughly when the top ... temperature, amount of light, rate of growth and relative humidity.  The plants like light humus-rich soil ...

  10. Specialties of Agricultural Engineers

    land profiling climatology and atmospheric science soil management and conservation, including erosion ... level to help the environment. Design of experiments related to crop and animal production History: The ...
