
Search results

  1. Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos

    for Yourself Sept. 8: Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos Oct. 13: Soil ...

  2. Sweet Corn Evaluation, Field Walk and Taste It for Yourself

    for Yourself Sept. 8: Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos Oct. 13: Soil ...

  3. The OSU Food Safety Program – What Can It Do for You?

    for Yourself Sept. 8: Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos Oct. 13: Soil ...

  4. Alternative Crops Enterprises – Barley and Hops – Are They an Option for You?

    for Yourself Sept. 8: Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos Oct. 13: Soil ...

  5. Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance

    Agricultural effects due to livestock and crop production The Miami Conservancy District and Miami Soil and ...

  6. Super Berry School

    the fruit crops that are known to have high antioxidant content and many health benefits. Fruits such ...

  7. OSUE SNAP-Ed Receives $55,000 Grant from Walmart State Giving Program

    “Addressing hunger is a high priority for us,” said Pat Bebo, interim assistant director and director of ...

  8. Courses

    + $50 maximum cost for books (depends on course modules selected) Contact: Joe Bonnell- ...

  9. Ottowa River Coalition

    Allen Soil and Water Conservation District office on October 7 was a large meeting room full of ... on a high school property, was severely eroded. It is now densely vegetated and has access to ...

  10. Tuscarawas River Buried Valley Watershed Council

    our groundwater. Future goals include: individuals becoming certified to monitor and test water quality, monitor ...
