
Search results

  1. Vegetable Gardening "How To"

    summer and fall vegetables gardens. Need information on common weeds? Soil Testing? Insects? Check out ...

  2. Non-Native Invasive Pests

    samples tested, please visit the  C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. The C. Wayne Ellett ...

  3. Ohio State University Extension is...

    and unexpected changes at the local level. Community Based. Our huge volunteer base multiplies the ... at all levels, and other organizations to provide the best service to you. Cooperative. Federal, ...

  4. Pesticide Testing Opportunity

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be hosting a Pesticide and Fertilizer testing opportunity ... order to be tested for any and all categories on that date, you should pre-register by calling the OSU ...

  5. A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls

    controllable Overcome your fear of falling Recognize fall risk factors Set realistic goals for increasing ...

  6. Ag business owners learn about sources of capital at Money to Grow

    between these growing businesses and lenders and grantors who have programs focused on food and ...

  7. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    Lake Erie. All with the help of an online program. The revised Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index is a program ... farm-specific data to generate their risk of phosphorus in agricultural runoff. The revised index is the result ... The revised phosphorus risk index can help Ohio farmers better work toward meeting the 40 percent ...

  8. A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation

    landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...

  9. A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation (PDF)

    landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...

  10. Ohio’s Burn Ban Returns on March 1st

    option if you are cleaning out a fence row. Burning may be the easiest option but be aware of the risks ... winter. Due to this risk, there is a ban on open outdoor burning in Ohio for the months of March, April, ... May, October, and November between 6AM and 6PM. It is best to consult with your local zoning office for ...
