
Search results

  1. Goat Resource Handbook

    taking a goat project, starting with breeds, ending with careers, and including everything in between ...

  2. A&P Promotion Instructions for Extension Educators

    To maintain high professional standards for Ohio State University Extension, decisions regarding ... for Preparing Your A&P Promotion Narrative General Expectations of Each Educator Level Promotion ...

  3. Get Started in Art

    printmaking, design, and crafts are all possibilities. Appropriate for members of all skill levels and ages, ...

  4. Growing Together: A Guidebook for Teaching Garden-Based Science to Kids

    Examples of subjects included in the ten units are pollination, soils, insects, trees, and decomposition. ...

  5. Mushrooms and Macrofungi of Ohio and the Midwestern States (PDF)

    groups. The most current scientific and common names are provided, and vibrant, high-quality images show ...

  6. Mushrooms and Macrofungi of Ohio and the Midwestern States: A Resource Handbook

    high-quality images show fine details for easy identification. Expert authors include a mycologist from The ...

  7. Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide

    have anti-cancer properties? With high food prices, it makes more sense than ever to grow your own ...

  8. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    assistant professor level. The review process will include reviews by the department P and T Committee, the ...

  9. Low-pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio (PDF)

    Most soil treatment systems depend on gravity to distribute wastewater out into lateral trenches. ... entire soil treatment areas. The discussions on design and construction are intended to enable engineers, ... soil scientists, sanitarians, and installers to design, construct, and inspect low-pressure piping ...

  10. Training Manual: Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    of fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. Topics ...
