
Search results

  1. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    Tomatoes growing directly in the soil under high-tunnel protection with the side panels rolled up to allow ... tomato growers are choosing the option of cultivating plants in either a greenhouse or high-tunnel (hoop ... (Heuvelink, 2018). Both high-tunnel and greenhouse tomato growers use bumble bees for their pollination ...

  2. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    time ranging from 0.5 to 8 hours [1,2]. The major advantage of HTC over other high temperature ... a good medium for heat transfer in HTC, but if variability in the feedstock particle size is too large ... compounds). These reactions occur under high temperature and pressure and play a vital role in lowering the ...

  3. Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    measure 5, with a potential range of 4.5-6 on the severity index — similar to last year’s bloom, which had ... a severity index of 5.3. An index above 5 indicates more severe HABs. Blooms over 7.5 are particularly ... with a severity index of 10, and 2015, with a severity index of 10.5. The HAB severity index is based ...

  4. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Fall 2024 Course Franklin County

    If you have questions about the activity level of the course and how we can help you participate ... Soils 5:30—8:00 PM  Thursday, October 10: Climate and Weather 10:00—3:00 PM Tuesday, October 15: Water ...

  5. Admission Requirements

    a standardized test should meet the following criteria: Unweighted high school academic GPA of 3.0 or higher (on ... you might be admitted without restrictions yet not be able to test into college-level English or math ... during placement testing. Remedial level courses are not covered by CCP funding.) Placement testing is ...

  6. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    paid for some care. Intersection between caregiving and household finances: Caregiving responsibilities ... non-profit researchers to explore caregiving at the regional level, state level, and compare rural and urban ... national level.” Shoshanah Inwood 330-263-3790 Faculty and Staff Research Business and ...

  7. Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio

    horsepower requirements, the level of tillage and soil disruption, depth of fertilizer placement, and ... inches wide) while leaving the soil between these strips undisturbed. When the strip-till unit is ... to conventional tillage by leaving residue on the soil surface between the strips. Quicker spring ...

  8. Gypsum for Agricultural Use in Ohio—Sources and Quality of Available Products

    to elevated levels. Unwashed FGD by-products can have levels of B sufficiently high to result in ... Professor This fact sheet provides information on gypsum as a soil amendment, the sources and mineral ... metal content of gypsum samples.  The Role of Gypsum as a Soil Amendment Gypsum is hydrated calcium ...

  9. Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values

    Bray P. When only soil test values in the agronomic range were considered (less than 50 ppm Bray P), ... relationships between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate soil test extractants in the Tri-State Region. ... 3–1170 ppm, and Mehlich-3 K values ranged from 25–899 ppm. We examined relationships with all soil test ...

  10. Growing the next generation

    a camp counselor,” he said.  After graduating from high school, Seward expanded on the skills he ...
