
Search results

  1. APS 2024

    Convention Center Environmental risk mapping of beech leaf disease in the U.S. and Europe in a changing ... AM – 10:35 AM CDT  112-113, Renasant Convention Center Innovative soil sampling technology for swift and ... states. Rashelle Matthiesen, et al (A Rundebausch, K Tilmon, Ohio State) P-122  Integrating anaerobic soil ...

  2. Research

    evaluating farmer credit needs and risk, agricultural loan performance, capitalization of agricultural ...

  3. CFAES Back to School Bash

    games, and inflatables. Connect with nearly 50 student organizations, fraternities, and sororities, and ...

  4. Junior Fair Board

    Members must be in 9- 12 grade with the full term falling within your high school years. The Junior Fair ...

  5. Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

    safety: anytime food is out of the refrigerator for more than two hours, the risk of microorganism growth ...

  6. Independent Study Project on the Green Roof

    1 conventional, in a wheel arrangement on the Green Roof on Howlett Hall. He will look at how the different levels ... look at how sugar content in the leaves differs between varieties, and possibly pollinator attraction ... the edge of the roof. With this, Joey hopes to see a correlation between the specific microclimates ...

  7. EPN Breakfast Event- Our Minds Matter: Enhancing climate resilience skills and well-being for environmental students and professionals

    context of disasters and disaster risk reduction to develop knowledge and inform policies centering ... to reduce the risk of stress-related chronic illness for both adults and children. Trained in ... both local & national levels. She has engaged influential people to take action, lobbied US ...

  8. Floating Aquatic Habitats

    in Watershed Hydrology in the School of Environmental and Natural Resources in testing and optimizing ... are due to high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water. “Our design solution is to create ... a buoyant concrete vessel that permits a nutrient exchange between the plant and the water,” stated Boswell. ...

  9. Gary Gao, Ph.D.

    Centers. He conducts research trials on high value fruit crops. He also designs and delivers Extension ...

  10. Water Bath Canning and Pressure Canning

    Free, introduction class will review the differences between water bath canning and pressure ...
