
Search results

  1. South Centers scientist recognized for reaching commercialization milestone

    feature of this soil test kit is convenience. Unlike many other methods, it can be used in the field and ... people. “They do not have the facilities, so they cannot perform routine soil tests like we do in the ... revitalize the soil, and produce more food and export.” This one-step basic field test kit contains enough ...

  2. Currants and Gooseberries

    gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop due to their high vitamin and antioxidant contents and many ... known to be immune or highly resistant to the White Pine Blister Rust fungus, (Cronartium ribicola, ... flavor. Yet they are highly prized in Europe for juice products and their high nutrient content.  Black ...

  3. Aquaculture News

    winning research grants at the national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to ...

  4. Soil and Water team publishes numerous manuscripts, applies for more grant funds

    By Dr. Mohammad (Arif) Rahman SWBR Scientist Soil, Water, and Bioenergy team members at The Ohio ... classical papers dealt with the assessment of heavy metals pollution of soil-water-vegetative ecosystems ... associated with artisanal gold mining, and was published in Soil and Sediment Contamination. This paper ...

  5. 2020 a busy year for SWBR

    educational programs for agricultural management practices that are environmentally compatible to sustain soil ... Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources (SWBR) program at The Ohio State University South Centers are ... their time working from home to publish a total 14 research articles in high-impact factored ...

  6. Extension and News Articles

    Crops. SAG-9-09). Ohio State University Extension. Islam K.R. and A. Sundermeier (2008) Soil quality test ... kit: A simple test for active organic matter as a measure of soil quality. SAG-4-08, OSU Extension, ... building or destroying soil organic matter. SAG-20-11. Ohio State University Extension. Hoorman, J., Aziz, ...

  7. Collaboration

    Dean of facualty of Agriculture External Collaborations: Abbe Copple- Pike Soil & Water ... Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR) Bhopal, MP- India Punjab Agricultural University of India Dhaka ... University, Dhaka, Bangladesh   Visiting Scholars of OSU South Centers:  Soil & BioEnergy Over the years, ...

  8. Survey Says: MEP had super third quarter

    like to single out Dawn Coleman for her high-level performance with client outputs of over $76 million ...

  9. Aquaculture Research Achievements and Impacts 2014

    soybean meal (MSBM) containing high protein and lower levels of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) relative ... including the 3-year on-farm on-station tests of improved yellow perch vs. local unimproved fish; published ... 35-50% through the development of genetically improved broodstocks for producers. On-farm and on-station ...

  10. USDA grant received to explore greenhouse vegetable soilborne disease control

    collected form this study is being used to develop a new soil diagnostic testing service to identify key ... Center began high tunnel research on tomato and berry crops. Since that time over 3,000 high tunnels have ... cropping of high tunnels with specialty crops is resulting in reduced yields and quality of tomato crops. ...
