
Search results

  1. Canada Thistle (Cirsum arvense)

    disturbed upland areas but also invades wet areas with fluctuating water levels such as stream bank sedge ... meadows. It can also be found in clay to gravely soils. Leaves: 3-8 inches long, alternate with spiny, ... from root pieces that snap off. The problem is….Canada thistle is a highly invasive thistle that ...

  2. Pastures For Profit- Course 3

    6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...

  3. Pastures For Profit- Course 2

    6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...

  4. Pasture For Profit- Course 1

    6:30-9:00pm Course 3: Saturday, April 27- 9:00am-Noon Course fee: $50 The Ohio State University Extension- ... soil fertility and forage growth meeting your animals’ needs water quality paddock design year round ...

  5. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    the importance of homegrown, high-quality feed and dairy profitability.  Cassie Yost and Tim Beck from ... forage for their rations but could conclude that they were also above average at producing high quality ... A Virus, formerly known as High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in dairy cattle, has slowed.  The animal health ...

  6. Estate & Transition Planning

    costs, the risk of needing care, options for obtaining care, and strategies to help mitigate risks to ... Family- Moore & Hall, 2022 Long-Term Care and the Farm- Moore, 2022 Long-Term Care Risk Calculator- ...

  7. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    classifications: High Pathogenic and Low Pathogenic AI.  High Path AI strains are extremely infectious, often fatal ... purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs; green diarrhea; and nasal discharge.  If a High ... are moving between farms. When AI has been identified within a flock, the USDA has a response team ...

  8. Master Gardener Volunteer Forms

    Background Check FAQ's Activities and Programs with Minors, Policy 1.50 Activities and Programs with ... Minors, Policy 1.50 Signature Page ...

  9. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    can tell you if the feedstuff is low, medium or high quality.  Do you know how your livestock water ... but levels below 3000 ppm are generally considered safe to drink.  Nitrates and sulfates should be ... nitrates the level in water should be below 20 ppm as long as feedstuffs contain low nitrate levels.  With ...

  10. Agritourism operators: now is the time for liability risk management

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