
Search results

  1. How To Join 4-H

    membership, regardless of grade level.  Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...

  2. Preserve and protect your bounty of summer produce

    Sherrie Whaley COLUMBUS, Ohio — Summer begins this week, so now is the time to level up your food ...

  3. OSU Extension Launches New Food Business Central Online Course

    online course has been funded through a grant from North Central Extension Risk Management Education. ... of Food and Agriculture to develop resources that help farmers and ranchers effectively manage risk ...

  4. Ohio State and Rutgers to Lead Household Food Waste Education Effort

    effort to conduct and evaluate a pilot consumer campaign to test educational messages and materials ...

  5. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    Lake Erie. All with the help of an online program. The revised Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index is a program ... farm-specific data to generate their risk of phosphorus in agricultural runoff. The revised index is the result ... The revised phosphorus risk index can help Ohio farmers better work toward meeting the 40 percent ...

  6. Flying high with 4-H

    Jeff Hullinger smiling for a picture in his Nationwide Children’s uniform, where he works as an EMS helicopter pilot. When Jeff Hullinger was piloting Marine helicopters in Afghanistan, his 4-H experiences as a youth were far from his mind, but 4-H was wh ...

  7. Soil Sampling

    Need to have the soil tested for your lawn or garden? We've got you covered!  The Fulton ... County OSU Extension Office is able to send soil samples into the lab for a cost of $20 per sample. After ... year.  Collect roughly 2 cups of soil per sample.  Place samples in a ziplock bag or container.  Drop off ...

  8. Application Process

    Undergraduate-level coursework in intermediate microeconomics, calculus and statistics The above criteria is only  ...

  9. Ohio State CFAES to lead federal food waste initiative

    in March 2020 to around 50 currently. These are businesses and organizations that have made a public ...

  10. Fulton County "Fields of Knowledge" Summer Agronomy Meeting

    of the Ohio State University (OSU) Extension and the Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation ...
