
Search results

  1. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    index (THI) is a chart that was created to factor in the temperature and humidity to create thresholds ... 'alert' zone of 75 on the THI chart. A thermal heat index of 84 is the 'emergency' zone where ... extreme caution needs to be taken for our livestock. The emergency level can be reached at a temperature ...

  2. Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio

    horsepower requirements, the level of tillage and soil disruption, depth of fertilizer placement, and ... inches wide) while leaving the soil between these strips undisturbed. When the strip-till unit is ... to conventional tillage by leaving residue on the soil surface between the strips. Quicker spring ...

  3. Canning Season Tips & Tricks, And Safety Measures Too

    ( where you will find a great library of tested recipes.  They also have a great curriculum for ... be the key to high-quality outcomes with your produce.  Take inventory of what you have left from ... that’ for tested, research-based, recipes. *If canning, please read the instructions on the lid ...

  4. Jim Ippolito

    Jim Ippolito Professor, Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility 412C ...

  5. Gypsum for Agricultural Use in Ohio—Sources and Quality of Available Products

    to elevated levels. Unwashed FGD by-products can have levels of B sufficiently high to result in ... Professor This fact sheet provides information on gypsum as a soil amendment, the sources and mineral ... metal content of gypsum samples.  The Role of Gypsum as a Soil Amendment Gypsum is hydrated calcium ...

  6. CARTEENS Class

    payment is required in the amount of  $50.  Click here   to register. If you need to change sessions, ...

  7. Manbir Rakkar

    Manbir Rakkar Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management 131 Williams Hall 1680 ...

  8. Feeding Horses

    (from forage analysis) 1.07 15.4 0.94 0.41 Pelleted Grain (from feed tag) 1.50 12.0 0.75 0.85 ... we need to substitute grain for hay to raise the energy. 1.50 Mcal/lb DE of grain – 1.07 Mcal/lb DE ... source of sulfur. Excessively high levels of sulfur depress copper absorption. Sulfur is also found in ...

  9. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    F (50 C), or the temperature indicated for the seed type being tested (see Table 1). Place container in ... may be damaged by hot water. It is highly recommended that a small sample of each seed lot be treated ... and tested for germination (see below) prior to treating the entire lot. Chlorine treatment is easier ...

  10. Job Opportunities

    required. Ideal candidates are highly motivated, adaptable, and mature individuals who can work ... independently. Interns must have access to a computer and high-speed internet during the entire duration of the ... Brihm-Spann ( Geosyntec COnsultants (two positions) Apply for the entry-level position ...
