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New Nitrogen Recommendations Now Available
can use the high side of the rate range. If they are more willing to accept risk, they can use a lower ... system assumes the soil is a blank medium and devoid of natural nitrogen. We know that's not ... from the soil, but does that translate into higher nitrogen demand? Investigation of nitrogen rate ...
Award Nomination Form
less than 2 MB. Allowed file types: pdf. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human ...
Selenium Uptake in Berries Offers Organic Option in Nutrition
and how that availability can meet a consumer's nutritional needs. "Ohio soils in general ... are low in selenium and have high concentrations of iron which can restrict selenium uptake in ... will uptake and hold in meeting daily nutritional recommendations. "Adding 500 ppm of selenium ...
Chow Line: Take study findings with a grain of salt (for 8/7/11)
between low sodium levels and higher cardiovascular risk was based on that single, baseline urine test ... July 29, 2011 I heard about a study that questioned the link between sodium and high blood ... Association. The researchers tested urine samples of nearly 3,700 participants to measure sodium levels, then ...
The Butler County Fair is Almost Here
aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels of academic ...
Chow Line: Treat agave nectar as an added sugar (for 4/10/11)
quickly raise blood sugar to high levels ("high-glycemic" foods) also provoke the release of ... high levels of insulin, because insulin is needed to get sugar from the bloodstream and into cells ... where it can be used for energy. Chronically high levels of insulin release are associated with insulin ...
Look to Soil Tests, Not Yields When Making Fertilizer Applications
and your soil tests are hovering at or below critical levels. This year just means that with the ... a savings. For those whose soil tests are close to critical levels, don't assume you can get away with ... Specialists recommend that growers supplement potassium or phosphorus when soil tests show low levels. When ...
Growers to See Changes in Nitrogen Application Recommendations
use the high side of the rate range. If they are more willing to accept risk, they can use a lower ... system assumes the soil is a blank medium and devoid of natural nitrogen. We know that's not ... said Robert Mullen, an Ohio State University soil scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
June and July 2023 Highlights
high-pressure processing. Dr. Christopher Simons was a guest of Ohio State’s INSPIRE podcast on the topic of ... award recognizes and celebrates graduate student success in publishing high quality research in a timely ... concepts of the High Temperature Short Time (HTST) and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) pasteurization systems. ...
IDEA Committee
participants will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT), a helpful tool for identifying hidden biases, ...