
Search results

  1. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets ... Experience  FSMA Compliance The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk ... the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”. This course developed by the FSPCA ...

  2. Follow Your Passion

    addition, I am excited to begin a career in farm financial management or grain risk management, where I can ...

  3. Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors

    themselves as having medium levels of risk tolerance, 34% stated that they have high levels of tolerance, and ... greatest percentage, 44%, said that they had high levels of risk tolerance, 37% reported medium levels, and ... 26% noted that they have low levels of risk tolerance. Meanwhile, amongst nonfarm business owners, the ...

  4. Sathya Gopalakrishnan

    economic theory to understand ubiquitous interdependencies between human decisions and geophysical ... systems, applied to coastal and water resources; non-market valuation of environmental amenities and risks ... at the undergraduate (AEDE 4310) and graduate levels (AEDE 8301) and a PhD course in applied welfare ...

  5. Margaret Jodlowski

    labor market opportunities, immigration policy, demand for Federal crop insurance, on farm-level ... production and financial decisions. Another major strand of her work looks at the relationship between ... managing environmental risk, production risk, and financial risk; for example, she has a project that looks ...

  6. Better Process Control School (BPCS) FDA Certified-En Español.

    cancelación Hay una tarifa de cancelación de $ 50. No se otorgarán reembolsos por cancelaciones después del ...

  7. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training (Blended Course)

    with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets ... Experience FSMA Compliance The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk ... the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”. This course developed by the FSPCA ...

  8. Ohio Species at Risk: Alien Invaders: a look at the impact of invasives


  9. Ohio Species at Risk: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods


  10. Ohio Species at Risk: Native turtles & Impacts of water quality contamination

