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  1. Freshwater Science Webinar- Advancing Stormwater Management at Great Lakes Marinas with Green Infrastructure

    as part of a collaboration between the Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs to improve ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Peter Renz

    333C or  via Zoom. Peter will present, "Development of a Novel Biochemical Soil Health Indicator ... that is based on a Multivariate Soybean Yield Prediction Model." Abstract:  Soil Health (SH) ... problems much sooner. Unfortunately, recent publications showed that the existing SH tests were limited in ...

  3. Environmental Science Degree Planning Tools

    Environmental Molecular Science Soil Resources & Environmental Sustainability Water Science   Students who ... EnvSci Roadmaps: Ecosystem Restoration Environmental Molecular Science Soil Resources & Environmental ...

  4. Alia Dietsch

    Increasingly, I am using multilevel/hierarchical modeling to explore both individual-level and group-level ... and Solomon, A.N. 2012. National wildlife refuge visitor survey: 2010-2011 national-level results. ...

  5. Beat the Heat Before It's Late: Cooling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

    responses of dairy cattle, you can identify those animals experiencing high heat load early on. Coupled with ... mitigate high heat load is clear and consistent across climates: shade, soakers, and fans. During summer, ... usually when the air temperature is about 72°F or when the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) is above 65. ...

  6. Soil Science

    Curriculum Students must complete twelve credits of graduate-level soils courses across at least four courses ... The Graduate Minor in Soil Science is for graduate students who plan to pursue an ... interdisciplinary program to solve research problems either in the soil directly or in processes involving soil. The ...

  7. USDA invests $10 million in Ohio State led team to accelerate adoption of climate smart agricultural practices

    declines in soil health and organic matter, water quality challenges, loss of biodiversity, and increased ...

  8. Kaiguang Zhao

    Lindsey, L.E., Fulford, A.M. and Zhao, K., 2020. Do soil test levels and fertilization with phosphorus and ... to develop geospatial applications, using tools such as hyper spectral imaging, high ... quantify water uptake from different soil layers and water use efficiency of wheat under long-term tillage ...

  9. Joseph Campbell

    on the balance between community development and natural resource management. In addition to hosting ... Tanzania (UDOM) where he taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses in rural sociology and ...

  10. 3-NOP (Bovaer™) Receives FDA Approval

    Carbon price of $30/ton Milk price of $17.50/cwt Ration cost of $0.15/lb DM In the first scenario ... 3-NOP is fed. Under this scenario, the breakeven cost for feeding 3-NOP is $0.41 to 0.45/hd/day. If ...
