
Search results

  1. Elle Pentz

    a connection between new students and myself. It is so important to have someone you can reach out to and get ...

  2. Sydney Ponti

    Mentor?  I wanted to meet new people and make the transition from high school to college a little easier ...

  3. Sydney Ponti

    Mentor?  I wanted to meet new people and make the transition from high school to college a little easier ...

  4. Global Education FAQs

    me? With so many options between CFAES and Ohio State programming it can be hard to decide which ... $150 application fee but will have no other cancellation penalty. Once you commit to your education ...

  5. Natalie Redfern

    Ohio State?  My favorite thing about OSU is the sense of community shared between all of the students, ...

  6. 174th Butler County Fair Coming July 21-27, 2024

    aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels of academic ...

  7. It’s high season for Ohio’s noxious weeds laws

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. Lilly Marsh

    different people! Fun Fact:  I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...

  9. University Financial Aid

    difference between them all? And where do you start? Loans Loans are borrowed funds that must be repaid. Both ... do not pay back. These awards come from many places (your high school, community, the federal ... free assistance awarded through federal, state, or university funds to undergraduate students with high ...

  10. Decision Aids

    revenue falls below a guaranteed level, while PLC payments are made when a crops specific effective price ... and wheat $5.50.  Unless we experience significant reductions in yield and/or price, it is unlikely ... to compare actual prices, yields and gross income to base prices, yields and gross revenue. The difference between the base ...
