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Diagnostic Network
communication between OSU Extension, industry, and regulatory agencies such as the Ohio Department of ...
Explore Undergraduate Programs
offers a broad selection of courses, with 20 undergraduate-level courses in plant pathology and hundreds ...
General Ed & Intro Courses
nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked between Columbus and Wooster. Prerequ: Intro or general ...
Jennifer R. Wilson
Heck. 2021. “Affinity purification-mass spectrometry identifies a novel interaction between ...
Leading from Wherever You Are online workshop
addition to influence, leaders need to build positive relationships with others at all levels of the ... will focus on the relationships you have at all levels of your organization. Participants will share ... to increase their influence at all levels of the organization. Beth Flynn is facilitating this ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
Summer Internships in Plant Pathology
Start and end dates may vary and are established between the student and supervisor, depending on school ...
Working with Multiple Generations online
generational differences, it has a huge impact on many levels. From lower performance to higher turnover rates ...
Master Gardener Plant Sale
The trees are blooming. The soil is warming. The grass is being cut. Spring is surely in the air! ...
Erik Ohlson
streams and base-level controls from historic dams in the unglaciated mid-Atlantic region, USA. Philos ... E.W. 2022. High Plains wheat mosaic virus: An emerging trade issue for corn seed. ASTA’s CSS and Seed ... Kenya. Ohlson, E.W. 2017. QTL mapping using high density SNP markers in cowpea. West African Cowpea ...