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Wheat Crop Exceeds 2005 Production
scab, but except for a few areas with high levels, most of the disease levels were low and caused little ... saw high levels of Stagonospora. But the good news is that these two diseases stepped in late in the ... Extension appointment. Additionally, levels of Fusarium head blight, or head scab, ranged from low to ...
Harvesting Corn for Silage A Tough Decision
is low risk; between.2 percent and.35 percent is considered high risk and anything over.35 percent is ... state. Some places may even see 150 bushels per acre. It's been a difficult growing season for us ... couldn't support the plants when high winds recently blew through the area. Additionally, ear development ...
Chow Line: Coconut oil unlike other saturated fat (for 12/9/07)
Because coconut oil contains a shockingly high level of 92 percent saturated fat (compared with 66 percent ... November 30, 2007 I've always read that you should avoid coconut oil because of its high ... level of saturated fat. But I recently heard it is actually healthful and can help you lose weight. Is ...
High SCN Populations Reminder To Manage Pest
per cup of soil- populations so high that planting a soybean variety next spring, including ... The samples should then be mixed and sent to a soil-testing laboratory to obtain a representative ... development. Soil samples from several counties in northern Ohio recorded egg counts ranging from 10,000-20,000 ...
Chow Line: Keep sugary drinks to a minimum (for 8/9/09)
a high-sugar beverage every day is actually quite a bit. Still, you're not alone. The trend toward ... high-sugar soft drinks. Since it takes just 3,500 extra calories over time to put on a pound of weight, ... it's easy to make a connection between higher consumption of soft drinks and higher rates of overweight ...
Emily Masters
county, state, and national levels. Emily graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in ...
When Planting Wheat, Don't Put Eggs in One Basket
resistance, good standability, good winter hardiness, and high test weight, and follow recommended seeding ... focus their attention on achieving high yields, but achieving those high yields is not always consistent ... choose varieties that exhibit a combination of such characteristics as high yield potential, disease ...
OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide
C.O.R.N. Newsletter, said r ain totals for the second half of July will range from 0.50 to 1.50 inches on ... winter before soil moisture levels return to where they would be considered normal, said Jeff Rogers, ... are extreme right now, the worst they’ve been in over 50 years, said Harold Watters, an Ohio State ...
Renovating Pastures? Try Frost Seeding
"Under this seeding scenario, let your animals graze the paddock in early March to scuff up the soil and ... grass seeds and can reach the soil level more easily," he said. "Another advantage to frost ... to frost seeding. Red clover has high seedling vigor, is tolerant of a range of soil pH and fertility ...
Increasing Stresses Could Impact Soybean Yields
per cup of soil easily translate into yield losses ranging anywhere from 20-50 bushels per acre ... nematodes, found in some soybean fields every year, are showing up earlier in the season in such high numbers ... depending on the variety and soil type. Trying to make lemonade out of a lemon of a season, Dorrance is ...