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  1. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 27- Soybean Pod Shatter

    over 3 inches of rain over the last week, increasing the risk of shattering. The third planting date is ...

  2. Are vaccines safe?

    Yes, vaccines are safe. They are held to high standards and are rigorously tested before they ... reach you. Every vaccine goes through rigorous and lengthy safety testing. This includes testing the ... recommended by the CDC. Each batch is tested for quality and safety. The vaccine continues to be monitored in ...

  3. Check Roots for Soybean Cyst Nematode: What’s Your Number?

    to 50 paces. Carefully remove soil from the roots (a water bucket can help) and look for SCN females ... resistant varieties (a shift in virulence). Maintaining low SCN levels is much easier than reducing high ... process up to two soil samples per grower for SCN testing, free of charge [read more here]. Share your ...

  4. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 25 – Use of Audio Recorders to Monitor Insect Activity

    relationship between honey bees and soybean plants. During flowering, soybean plants provide an abundant nectar ...  activities in the field. They have tested many different methods such as observation, netting, and pin  ...  traps. Currently, they are testing an audio recorder to document bee activities in the soybean fields  ...

  5. Wheat Management for Fall 2021

    phosphorus than corn or soybean, and soil test levels should be maintained between 30-50 ppm (Mehlich-3 P) ... for optimum production (Table 1). Do not add any phosphorus if soil test levels are higher than 50 ... 45 60 75 >50 0 0 0 0 Soil potassium should be maintained at levels of 100-130 and 120-170 ppm ...

  6. FALL TRAINING CANCELLED- 2024 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Program- Lucas County

    Soils Plants Forests Insects and other macroinvertebrates Reptiles & Amphibians Birds Mammals ...

  7. Grain Marketing Workshop

    ”, featuring pre-workshop activity on calculating grain cost of production and measure of risk ... The workshop has 50 limited seats.   Registration is $100 per person and includes two full days of ...


    creating bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture, to revolutionize alternative natural rubber ...

  9. Regional Crop Updates: July 16-22

    highly variable, with some areas receiving near normal levels and others remaining very dry. Lack of soil ... ranging from VT (tassel) to R2 (blister) with low levels of tar spot reported. Soybean is in fair ... McMichael of OSU Extension Mercer County reported that most counties in the region have adequate soil ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    Crops plot area. Find us between Gates B and C upon entering the FSR grounds from the East Parking Lot. ... nitrogen management, Battle for the Belt planting date study, and more. You can even test your weed and ... Soil Health Benefits   3:00 p.m. Alyssa Essman Weed Management Wednesday 3:00 p.m. Laura Lindsey, Osler ...
