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Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago
Illinois, ThinkChicago is a collaboration between Mayor Emanuel, CIW, University of Illinois, World Business ...
Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras
aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...
Best Practices for Retaining Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce
Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce Few farmers' market consumers are aware of how to retain optimal ...
Mac Ware helps win BETHA Endowment annual grant competition!
supports projects that examine the complex relationship between science and technology on society and ...
BNRC Gathering of Men 2015
worked to support state-level child advocacy organizations. In addition to working for the Annie E. ...
Construction Management Competition Teams
competitions are for students at all levels of familiarity in construction management, with some competitions ...
Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!
levels have revealed a lot of trash and debris. OSU’s Ecological Engineering Society and the Friends of ...
Darby Conservation Tour
The Madison County Master Gardeners and the Soil and Water Conservation District are hosting ...
Lead Hikes during Wellness Week
Wellness Week will be held May 9-12, 2016 from 9am-12noon each day. They would need someone between those ...
AGSYSMT 4580- Precision Agriculture
Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...