
Search results

  1. Focus on Flavor

    mass-produced foods healthier and still meet the high standards of consumer acceptability. For example, some of ...

  2. Net Farm Income Expected to Decline Again in 2018 After a Small Rebound Last Year

    2018). If realized, U.S. net farm income would decrease to levels witnessed in 2016 (Figure 1). This ...

  3. Small Business & Entrepreneurship in Ohio: Promoting Prosperity by Growing from Within

    our economy. As recently as the first quarter of 2015, small businesses with fewer than 50 employees ...

  4. Proposed federal changes could lead to eased rules for egg processors

    the same level of inspection and oversight of all regulated products as we carry out our public health ...

  5. Interactions Between Private and Public Lands in Determining the Optimal Timing of New Housing Development

    Klaiber, HA and Wang, H. "Interactions Between Private and Public Lands in Determining the ...

  6. "Reconstructing SNAP to More Effectively Alleviate Food Insecurity in the U.S."

    enable more of these households to be food secure is to provide higher benefit levels. To identify the ...

  7. Increased access to local Ohio produce focus of study

    Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets: Distribution as the Missing ...

  8. A Welfare Analysis of Conservation Easement Tax Credits

    a capturing of the tax benefits by the conservation agency (i.e., pass-through), and an inefficiently high ... number of easement outcomes when the land’s future development value is highly uncertain.    The event is ...

  9. Is All Space Created Equal? Uncovering the Relationship between Competing Land Uses in Subdivisions

    between Competing Land Uses in Subdivisions. ” ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 70, no. 2: 296-307. 2010.  ...

  10. Amanda Weinstein – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    Force, and then as a Senior Management Analyst for BearingPoint, she advised all levels of Air Force ... see the direct link between theory and real world application, which she has greatly enjoyed and which ...
