
Search results

  1. Year 2 of Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 is off to a strong start in Ohio, Wisconsin

    aquaculture/aquaponics and next generation farmers in the Midwest. In 2018, we are running parallel 3-I level (Intensive, ... consists of 35 highly motivated fish farmers and aquaponics producers from across Ohio and West Virginia. ...

  2. New visiting scholars joined Soil, Water and Bioenergy Program

    the Soil, Water and Bioenergy Program at the OSU South Centers at Piketon.  Currently, Lily is ... sustainable agricultural management practices. Her research focus will be on soil health, conservation ...

  3. Late blight and downy mildew uptick in veggies

    temperatures, rain, high humidity and cloudy skies. Tomatoes, potatoes, cucurbits and basil should be scouted ...

  4. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence

    education. Funding for this project was provided by the North Central Risk Management Education Center, the ...

  5. New Tool Offers Growers Easy Option to Measure Soil Organic Matter Content

    Environmental Sciences have developed a new tool that allows farmers to easily predict soil organic matter ...

  6. Grape and Wine Analysis workshop coming to South Centers in December

    operation. Topics covered will include a 2018 vintage overview, vineyard soil and tissue analysis, assessing ...

  7. Organic Dairy Production Field Day

    which will run from 3:30-5 p.m. and will feature a session on soil management, including weed control ... and soil balancing, and a session on organic forages, grazing and hay production taught by Mark Sulc. ...

  8. Grape & Wine Analysis Workshop

    include a 2018 vintage overview, vineyard soil and tissue analysis, assessing vine balance, sulfur dioxide ...

  9. Farmers’ Markets at Risk of Losing the Ability to Accept SNAP Benefits

    individuals access fresh, locally produced foods, farmers’ markets are at risk of losing this ability. On July ...

  10. Hort program receives USDA grant

    farms outside of Ohio, has an estimated annual farm level value of $165.3 million.  Ohio being home to ... market window, thus capturing a profit from the high demand for local strawberries.    This system allows ...
