
Search results

  1. OSU Extension: Ohio Oats Expected to Produce Excellent Yields and Good Supplement for Low Forage Supplies Thanks to Drought

    wet-wrap and ensile. Dropping them on wet soils doesn't enhance the drying or curing process. ...

  2. Managing Precision Ag Data

    pressures that affected performance? Did certain field characteristics like soil type or topography affect ... specific data to create better soil sampling maps? The list goes on and on. Big Data – Is now the popular ...

  3. ‘One-of-a-kind research' opportunities: President Drake visits Wooster campus

    among Amstutz’s contributions his “steadfast support for research” that can be traced back to his high ...

  4. Requirement to report Livestock Air Emissions Delayed by Court

    to monitor and report air emissions  from their livestock, equine, and poultry farms if levels of certain ...

  5. Ohio State Continues Corn Nematode Field Survey

    what levels. Sampling will begin during the week of June 9 and end during the second week of July. We ...

  6. Corn Planting Progress in Ohio: A “Historical” Perspective

    % acreage planted exceed 50%. In 2005, 55% of the corn acreage was planted by April 25 but snow and freezing ...

  7. Agriculture Fertilizer Certification Training

    certification is required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural ...

  8. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop

    ability to build their work team by selecting the right person for the right position, set high ...

  9. Don’t Forget About Alfalfa and Weevils While Planting

    12 inches or less in height indicates a need for rescue treatment. Where alfalfa is between 12 and 16 ...

  10. Women Inspire

    joining TriVersity, Nissa worked for other high profile construction companies in the region. Nissa ...
