
Search results

  1. Agricultural and Resource Law

    Specialty Area Agricultural and resource law Education BS and MS, resource policy, The Ohio State University; JD, University of Wyoming College of Law Professional Background Attorney, Wright and Logan, LLP, Dublin, Ohio; attorney, Michigan United Conserv ...

  2. Spring Lawn Care

    Why should I test my soil  –  and for what?  Soil tests provide more helpful information on soils than ... landscapes, and to maximize productivity of vegetable gardens and fruit crops. Soil test results pinpoint ... plant nutrient needs and soil test lab recommendations guide fertilizer applications so just the right ...

  3. Extension Field Specialists

    Our Extension field specialists are located throughout the state. Each field specialist has a particular area of expertise and provides overall leadership for developing and implementing a comprehensive and balanced teaching and applied research program t ...

  4. Category 6C: Ornamental Weed Control (PDF)

    Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person workshops held in Reynoldsburg, ...

  5. Category 6C: Ornamental Weed Pest Control

    Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person workshops held in Reynoldsburg, ...

  6. Category 5: Industrial Vegetation Control (Bundle)

    Control, and Category 8—Turf Pest Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person ...

  7. Category 5: Industrial Vegetation Control (Bundle) (PDF)

    Control, and Category 8—Turf Pest Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person ...

  8. Newly Developed Vaccine Toolkit Now Available

    specific concerns for high-risk populations. Increasing Accessibility: Designed to be easily accessible to ... between community members and healthcare providers, and ensure increased access to vaccination clinics for ... infographics, pamphlets, and videos covering seasonal vaccines, age-specific needs, and guidance for at-risk ...

  9. Cross and Drewry publish article on remote diagnosis of wheat stripe rust progression

    high-throughput classification of WSR severity.  Utilizing random forest models based on leaf-level and ... canopy-level hyperspectral data, researchers achieved classification accuracies of 45-52%, which improved to ... 79-96% with off-by-one scoring. The canopy-level model outperformed the leaf-level models, highlighting ...

  10. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Handbook

    century, climate and weather, geology, water resources, birds, plants and soils, forests, insects, ...
