
Search results

  1. Gifting to reduce federal estate taxes

    help reduce a farm's federal estate tax risk. tax gifting federal estate tax ...

  2. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Handbook

    century, climate and weather, geology, water resources, birds, plants and soils, forests, insects, ...

  3. Inductees

    Award. Mr. John Richardson began working for SugarCreek Packing Co. during high school and college, ... retired. Over the past 50 years, John has been instrumental in building the company from a small raw bacon ... science encompassed over 70 years and included advising over 150 students. The quality of his research was ...

  4. A&P Promotion Instructions for Extension Educators

    To maintain high professional standards for Ohio State University Extension, decisions regarding ... for Preparing Your A&P Promotion Narrative General Expectations of Each Educator Level Blog Posts ...

  5. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    assistant professor level. The review process will include reviews by the department P and T Committee, the ...

  6. Open Faculty Positions

    between the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. ...

  7. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    Dr. Fernanda Krupek Assistant Professor- Urban Food Systems 20% Teaching | 30% Research | 50 ... Redfearn. Her Dissertation focused on Experimentation on Nebraska Farms for Sustaining Soil Health ... conferences are the American Society for Horticultural Science and the Agronomy-Crop-Soil Science Societies of ...

  8. Category 2C: Agricultural Weed Control

    soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...

  9. Category 2C: Agricultural Weed Control (PDF)

    soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...

  10. Dr. Osler Ortez

    Dr. Osler Ortez Assistant Professor- Corn & Emerging Crops 50% Extension | 30% Research | 20% ... Honduras have fulfilled some of these roles.   Favorite industry conference Agronomy, Crops & Soils ... balance between work, family & community. I'm a big mountain biker & active member of my ...
