
Search results

  1. Dr. Logan Minter Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and graduated from Piketon High School. His ...

  2. Core Manual Bundle

    pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not ... Control, and Category 8—Turf Pest Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person ...

  3. Core Manual Bundle (PDF)

    pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not ... Control, and Category 8—Turf Pest Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person ...

  4. Soil Health Research and Outreach

    Explore Soil Health Research and Outreach at The Ohio State University.       ...

  5. Preparing for the fall in a season of drought

    right level. To ensure there is no dry material concentration to catch on fire. mow once high to get it ... to your annual pumpkin picking, be mindful that all across Ohio we are experiencing varying levels of ... minimize the fire risk, which can lead to loss of personal property. Maintenance When parking on grass, ...

  6. Lesson In Life Skills: How To Teach or Model Gratitude For Children

    engagement report a higher level of productivity and loyalty which results in lower staff turnover.  It’s ...

  7. The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017 (PDF)

    study estimated that Ohio’s combined food and agriculture sectors generated almost $50 billion in gross ... rapid change for farmers in Ohio. This report summarizes state-level trends in farm numbers, farm sales, ... land use, workforce characteristics, and economic performance between 1997 and 2017. Because Ohio ...

  8. Talk Turkey at 'Dining With Diabetes' Holiday Help Gatherings

    a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. If affects about 38 ... diabetes ABCs. A is for the A1C test that health care professionals use to measure your average blood ... glucose levels. Be is for blood pressure. C is for cholesterol. Take small steps toward healthy habits. ...

  9. Cheryl Buck — Extension Communication Manager; Interim Assistant Director, Extension Publishing

    serves as liaison between the Extension director's office, the CFAES Marketing and Communications ...

  10. Beef

    publications allows for multiple projects and can be used by members at all levels. Use with  117R  Beef ...
