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  1. SOACDF grant will fund additional leadership experiences for local youth

    funding,” said Scott.  The YCLE is expected to engage approximately 50 high school agriculture students and ... Virginia, including high school students. The Youth Cooperative Leadership Experience is an immersive ... learning program for Appalachian high school students in the primary counties served by SOACDF. The goal of ...

  2. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Visit to Ghana

    professionals; (2) train the trainers to acquaint with OSU rapid soil quality/health tests; and (3) conduct ... quality comparative tests on Ghanaian and U.S. soils, and wrote test interpretation and management ... By Rafiq Islam, PhD Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources Program Dr. Rafiq Islam visited Ghana as ...

  3. SWBR receives research funding

    By Arif Rahman SWBR Scientist The Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources program at OSU South ... problems of Lake Erie. In addition, the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy team, along with Central State ...

  4. Arif Rahman, PhD

    Sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation Carbon sequestration, tillage and cover crops Soil ... health and water quality and agroecosystem services Marginal soil remediation and biomaterial production ... Monitoring air, water, soil and food pollution and develop mitigation technology Analytical Chemistry ...


    a discussion of the effective differences between state and federal processing oversight, including custom ... requirements in the United States. 9:50 am Resources for Meat Producers and Processors 10:20 am Break 10:30am ... in Ohio and Central Appalachia”, an 18-month project that tests the need for an additional local meat ...

  6. 15 Years, 15 Minutes: South Centers scientist Islam recognized by University for soil test kit commercialization

    developing a soil test kit that was affordable, and so convenient and simple to use that any landowner could ... our communities.” The signature feature of this soil test kit is convenience. Unlike many other ... basic field test kit contains enough reagent and testing supplies for approximately 15 field soil tests ...

  7. Tomato Technologies for Tomorrow

    or commercial tomato plantings, organized by the OSU South Centers Soil, Water, and Bioenergy ...

  8. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    populations; (2) Effective population size in hatcheries could promote high levels of genetic variation among ... on-station tests of improved yellow perch vs. local unimproved fish, and finalized the report; we published ... genetically improved seeds have been distributed to farms for test and demonstration.  Neo-male male ...

  9. 2015 High Tunnel Training Registration Form

    If you have high tunnels, how many do you have? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are ... Cost is $50 per person. You will be contacted via email about your registration form and the cost ... Name * Email Address * Phone Number City State County * Do you currently have a high tunnel? * YES NO ...

  10. Islam participates in USDA FAS Borlaug Mentor Workshop

    By Rafiq Islam SWBR Program Leader Rafiq Islam, Program Leader of the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy ...
