
Search results

  1. Food Preservation: Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption

    if it comes into contact with tainted water, soil, animals, or other contaminated sources. Outbreaks ... canner. Fill the canner with warm water until the water level is slightly above the milk level in the ... pasteurization of raw milk (SP 50-932). ...

  2. SNAP-Ed

    serving participants and low-income individuals eligible to receive SNAP benefits or other means-tested ... federal assistance programs throughout Ohio. Nationally, SNAP-Ed operates in 50 states, plus two ...

  3. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    a tree to interrupt the flow of sap between the roots and crown of the tree (Figure 1). The groove must ... 8 inches on very large-diameter trees. When a chainsaw is used to girdle, two horizontal cuts between 2–4 ... effective. Care must be taken when the herbicide is applied to minimize the amount that runs into the soil ...

  4. Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations

    over the entire field, changes in soil test levels in two areas over a 10-year period are shown. Table ... 1 ppm 20 8 2 20 8 2 20 8 2 Expected ppm change in soil test over 10 years 3 0 0 +5 +10-6-11 1 Crop ... to change soil test 1 ppm is 6–10 depending on cation exchange capacity. 3 Example calculation: ...

  5. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    methods can pose serious health risks. Understanding Clostridium botulinum Pressure canning is the only ... (USDA) endorsed recommendations present a risk of botulism. Even a taste of food containing this toxin ... processing. Add boiling water to the jars, leaving the headspace recommended in Table 2 between the jar rim ...

  6. Dr. Jera Niewoehner-Green

    who has engaged students in experiential learning at the high school and post-secondary level for over ... research focused on high school service-learning to address community issues. In order to further her study ...

  7. Forage Testing for Beef Cattle

    0.12% Mg. High soil potassium levels are associated with increased incidence of grass tetany. The ratio ... (ppm). If the forage contains a high level of molybdenum (2 ppm) or sulfur at 0.25%, Cu could be ... samples are low in Zn. The recommended levels for zinc are between 30 and 1,000 parts per million (ppm ...

  8. Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio

    it contains high levels of antioxidants. Studies have shown Aronia fruits to have protective benefits ... high tannin levels. The fruit is more palatable when used in processed foods. Aronia has been used in ... many states in between. Iowa is currently the leading state in Aronia production in terms of acreage ...

  9. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    Symptoms develop 12–48 hours after being exposed to norovirus and generally last between one and three ... and the number of cases that are not caused by contaminated food. Risk Factors Anyone can get ... contaminated. Someone who touches those surfaces and then handles food is at risk of contaminating the food or ...

  10. Chlorinated Water Sanitation of Leafy Green Vegetables For Fresh Produce Processors

    sources to produce 200 ppm chlorinated water. Chlorine gas, stored in high-pressure vessels, can be ... 6.5. In large operations, where high levels of organic material and debris are present on the produce, ... granulated powder 65 or 68% free active chlorine high capital, high operation hazardous due to higher percent ...
