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  1. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    time ranging from 0.5 to 8 hours [1,2]. The major advantage of HTC over other high temperature ... a good medium for heat transfer in HTC, but if variability in the feedstock particle size is too large ... compounds). These reactions occur under high temperature and pressure and play a vital role in lowering the ...

  2. Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article

    a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ... biogeography, and ecosystem analysis. The article, titled "Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil ... heat flux estimation" focuses on accurately estimating soil heat flux (SHF), crucial for ...

  3. Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio

    horsepower requirements, the level of tillage and soil disruption, depth of fertilizer placement, and ... inches wide) while leaving the soil between these strips undisturbed. When the strip-till unit is ... to conventional tillage by leaving residue on the soil surface between the strips. Quicker spring ...

  4. HPAI: Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle

    industry, causing high levels of mortality. However, this does not seem to be the case in dairy cattle where ... identification of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cattle located in Texas and Kansas. They ... birds. The highly pathogenic classification is based on the severity of the disease in poultry, but it is ...

  5. Gypsum for Agricultural Use in Ohio—Sources and Quality of Available Products

    to elevated levels. Unwashed FGD by-products can have levels of B sufficiently high to result in ... Professor This fact sheet provides information on gypsum as a soil amendment, the sources and mineral ... metal content of gypsum samples.  The Role of Gypsum as a Soil Amendment Gypsum is hydrated calcium ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing ... cows milking 70 and 85 lb/day is about $13.50 and $13.97/cwt, respectively. Both estimates are higher ...

  7. Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values

    Bray P. When only soil test values in the agronomic range were considered (less than 50 ppm Bray P), ... relationships between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate soil test extractants in the Tri-State Region. ... 3–1170 ppm, and Mehlich-3 K values ranged from 25–899 ppm. We examined relationships with all soil test ...

  8. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    conflicts between them and people are on the rise. What Does a Coyote Look Like?   The coyote is ... a medium-sized member of the dog family, which includes wolves and foxes. With its pointed ears, slender muzzle, ... that prevents conflicts at both the individual and community level. Causes of Human-Coyote Conflicts ...

  9. Jim Ippolito

    Jim Ippolito Professor, Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility 412C ...

  10. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    filled. Tower silos and areas around stored silage should be treated as confined spaces. Due to this risk ... very difficult to control or stop. Safety Around Machinery During silage harvest, there are risks of ... with a highly reflective SMV sign. During harvest, be sure to wash SMV signs and lights so that they ...
